With Bush moving out of the White House, Obama moving into the White House, and me leaving a job that took more than it gave back, I can't help but think about MLK's words, "Free at Last, Free at Last." I am sure for many people these words have many different meanings. Forty six years ago, when MLK, Jr made his historic "I have a Dream" speech, I was just a year old. Even though, I don't remember that historic moment on the Mall in Washington, I can only imagine what it meant for so many slaves that were served such an injustice in the supposed land of the free and the home of the brave.
MLK, Jr also spoke of "the lonely island of poverty that the Negro lives on despite the vast ocean of material prosperity." If he had only known about the years to come under the two Bush's, and Clinton, with NAFTA, all of the debt from the wars, the financial and business corruption, and Madoff's fraud on Jews, he would have been careful what he wished for. While it is very exciting to see Bush exit with his head tucked between his tail and for Obama to become the first black commander-in-chief. It is also bittersweet. For many, there has never been a time in the past 50 years more uncertain, more chaotic, and more bleak. It is unbelievable to me that we still live in a world with those in power positions try to break us with disparaging racial slurs. In trying to take their rightful place, they end up being guilty of wrongful deeds, because they are still drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred that MLK, Jr warned against. It is my hope that on this day February, 5, 2009, that we can move on as individuals and as a nation. Now, is the time that we should seek to be judged by the content of our character rather than by the color of our skin. Yes, then, and only then, will we be "free at last, free at last."