Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bowling 4 Fun

Bowling seems to be making a comeback! I have been invited to 5 bowling parties over the last month at various bowling alley's in the ATL, Dolce, 300, etc, etc. Bowling today is so different from when I was a little girl. The bowling alley's of past had hot dogs, grilled cheese, nachos and soda and we used no. 2 pencils to fill in our score as we played. You had to know how to add your score and that of your teammates. Today's bowling is all electronic, with full bars, gourmet restaurants, and full screen videos on each lane. When I was a kid, it was all about the sport and the competitive spirit. Today, it is clearly all about the social component and how well you dance in between frames. At one of the parties, every time someone hit a gutter ball, they had to drink a shot of Patrone. At another party, you had to remind the person that followed you that they were up. No one is the least bit interested in their form or score. When I was growing up on the sport, we were more interested in the brand and weight of the ball and that we had our own ball and shoes. Today, when you walk in with your ball and shoes, they think you are crazy. No one seems the least bit concerned that their play cannot be consistent with a different ball each time they play. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all the new technology, but I am not sure it has helped my score in the least. Have you been bowling lately? What has been your experience? Would love to hear from you!